
Philanthropy and social-ecologically sustainable investment practices

Transformation advocate with over 30 years of experience in sustainability.

Heiko Specking is a founding director of specking+partners, based in Zurich. The firm advises high net worth individuals, foundations and companies on topics such as responsible behaviour, system change and sustainable long-term business or financing strategies. He moderates panel discussions on current topics, gives lectures and leads workshops at universities in Switzerland and abroad. As an advisory board member of the Kloster Forum, he helps shape the annual programme of various events.

He is a transformation advocate with over 30 years of experience in sustainability. He has a broad spectrum in philanthropic engagements combined with the diversity of socio-ecologically sustainable investment practices. Driven by a passion for regenerative principles and key issues such as food, water, agriculture, biodiversity or purpose-driven economics, he is dedicated to co-creating new, interconnected and resilient systems that are nature- and people-centred. He holds an MBA from the University of Frankfurt and is a qualified Trust & Estate Practitioner (TEP). In summer 2019, he was certified by the International Bateson Institute (IBI) as a Warm Data Lab Host and explores the process in analogue and digital space.